July 22, 2008


I'm sorry but I just have to vent here a little. I am tired of being the person my family comes to when they have a problem with another family member. I hate being put in the middle and made to feel like I have to take sides. I don't understand why people can't just tell others how they are feeling or why they are hurt. I can't be the one who helps you solve all your problems nor do I want to.

Sometimes moving away from family sounds like the best idea. Just to get away from all the drama, daily problems, and the miscommunication. If people were more sensitive to what they were saying and more tough about how they PERCEIVE what's being said then this post would not exist. I think my family needs to listen to the series Pastor Dave did on Offense!

Sorry if you read this... I'm just having an off day!


Kelli said...

Everybody has off days, dear. Sometimes, I need to take a family break. Not from my immediate family, but my extended family. I usually let voice mail get calls and schedule to be with my kids and my husband for a few days. It lets me take a breather. :) Even the best families can be a bit much sometimes.

Hands-Free Heart said...

Been there, done that, and I know it isn't fun! It's okay to recognize that, as much as you love them and want to see them get along, their issues are not your responsibility. It's also okay to establish boundaries along those lines. If they don't feel they can talk directly to the person, suggest they use a professional mediator or church counselor to help them talk with and understand each other.

It's also okay to just to take some time off, as classic mama says. You probably don't need to move away, though!