June 29, 2009

The Bible Book

I was at a MIA Team meeting and I was telling the ladies that Laney loves her "Bible book" as she calls it. She asks me everyday to read her Bible book to her. We started the new testament and I just happened to say Jesus time one night and now she has started saying it's Jesus time mommy... Ahhhh moments like these make my heart swell. So here is some info on the Bible book.

It's The Beginner's Bible by ZonderKidz

ISBN# (10) 0-310-70962-8
ISBN# (13) 978-0-310-70962-6


Emily said...

Thanks for posting this!

Kelli said...

Awesome! You are doing such an amazing job teaching those kiddies about the Lord! Really. You are wonderful.

Drew said...

Oh my goodness I had that bible when I was little!