August 22, 2007

I Trust You

Recently Mr. Clean and I have had to walk through something extremely hard. Something I would never hope anyone has to walk through although many have. I share only a little because I don't feel the need to broadcast my heartaches so that people feel sorry for me but I do want to share because God has loved on me and brought me to the other side.

I have to be honest with you, I have sat in church singing about how great God is at all times and how I will trust Him at ALL times. I have walked through trials before and in the midst of them given the Lord complete control and trusted in Him. I have to admit that the trials that I have walked through before were never great ones. They were never life or death or starvation or violence. I am not dismissing them but they were little problems so it was easy for me to hand them over to my Father.

I was faced with a decision to wallow in sorrow and grief or truly trust in Him. I was a mess at first but then the Lord met me one night. I began to speak out the words "I Trust You" and "Your ways are not my ways and I don't have to know why, I just have to know that you love me" and then the next words out of my mouth were "Thank You Lord" WHAT... what was I saying? But at that very moment, the sorrow and the pain lifted from my heart. I'm not saying that it doesn't hurt from time to time but I am not stricken with heartache. I trust Him and I might never know why but that's ok because I know He loves me and that He will never leave me...NEVER! I hold on to that because that's His promise to me.

Thank you Lord for who you are, you never change. You love me with an everlasting love that is not conditional to how I act, what I say, or who I am...You love me for me. Lord I trust you and I ask now that all my sisters out there who don't know how to trust you completely, would come to give you everything no matter what the circumstance. I ask for your perfect love to surround them and that they would know you in your fullest and walk out their destiny. Amen.


The Gang's Momma! said...

Praying for you in this season. If it's what I guess it to be, yes you will grieve and you will feel sorrow. But as with all heartaches, when we give Jesus the reins of our heart and life, there is a joy that comes after mourning and there is a light of hope that comes after a dark night. Stick close to Mr. Clean and to Jesus and let those who love you take care of you and love on you. We love you and are praying! No matter what it is, HE'S been there and covered it all for you!

Kelli said...

Not everyone would have that response. I know that your Father in heaven is so very proud of you. You will be able to minister to others in an equally dificult situation by telling them that you've been there.

I am so very glad that my life crosses paths with such a wonderful, wise woman. We'll see you later to give you a hug. :)

Anonymous said...

my dear friend...i love you!

Mama Keller said...

You continue to amaze me! God is so good and he shines through you to others like a beacon! Praise God you are who he wants you to be, wise and strong and true!

Love you!!
Always praying for you!