May 18, 2009

Well Ark man is now one!

He is no longer a baby so his nickname Baby NoNo will be no longer! He is no Ark Man! AM turned one on the 16th of May so we had a birthday party for him over the weekend. I am totally overwhelmed with birthday parties so we have decided not to do this again for a few years and just celebrate as a family... just the four of us!

All we served was cake and ice cream and it was too much for me... I am just not wired to be "one of those moms" that can throw a birthday bash. We had out of town guests staying with us...which I loved! But you always feel like you have to entertain even when they say you don't. And then my talkative hubby was schmoozing while I was trying to get Ark Man cleaned up and the cake cut. Thanks to family we finally got cake served!

But then everyone disappeared to play outside so we never got to open presents until later that night. I am just hoping that everyone had a good time because that is what I really wanted. And if you didn't then I am so sorry...but just think I won't be doing this for awhile so you are in luck! Ha! are the 2 pictures we managed to take...

My little guy!

Eating his cake

eating his frog cake

Me and my Ark Man

May 11, 2009

This is KRAZY!!!!

There was something about this on one of the TV News programs
a couple of weeks ago.
From Channel 13 in Indianapolis.

So much for confidentiality. Think your cell phone conversations are private? They're definitely not...

This is well worth watching